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OCR: THEE 5.0 Appendices Appendix Data Compression Scheme Abstract This document mcthod fOT copressinp bileve] data that is bascd n the CCITT Group ID fasimilc compression scherne References Standardization of Group facsimile Srqerekle for 1uan:xp transmission, " Recommendation T.4 Volume Fascicie YII.3. Teminal Equipment and Protocols for Telematic Services, International and Telephane Consultative Committee (CCITT} Geneva, 1985 pages 16 through 11 Facs simile Codinp Schemes and Coling Control fot Group 4Facsimile Apparatus," Recommendation 1.6 Volume VII Fascicle VIL3 Terminal Equipment and Protocots roj Telematic TLE International Telegraph Pnd Telephone Consultative Commitlee (CCITT) Goncva 1985 pages 40 through 48 We dont t be ieve these tocunent's a necessur in order a implement Compr res ...